

Kilo Charlie Aviation is breaking down barriers to a aviation career. Our commitment to this mission to see our students succeed in a career in aviation

We Can Help with the Cost!

Cost should not be a barrier to realizing your dream, especially when that dream can lead to career possibilities and a lifetime of adventures. At Kilo Charlie Aviation we can set you up with Meritize or Skybound, programs created specifically for pilots to finance their education at competitive rates. Financing helps to cover training costs as well as


Stratus Financing – Stratus Financial was founded by FAA Certificated Flight and Ground Instructors passionate about helping others achieve their aviation dreams

MeritizeFinance up to $96,000 for our Career FAST track program and be on your career in less 6-12 months. Download Meritize Information

Skybound FinancingKilo Charlie has partnered with Skybound for Career program financing up to $100,000.

Your Training is Aggressive, But It Is Also Complete

Your tuition at Kilo Charlie Aviation is an investment. We don’t just teach you to the test. Our Career Pilot Program is a rigorous curriculum of classroom, simulator, and in-flight training, designed to instill a thorough respect for both the aircraft and the skies. Our instructional staff is renowned for their safety ethic and professional approach. It is our goal to make sure you are well versed in every aspect of flight training. Your success and reputation as a pilot are a testament to how well we do what we do.

Our Career Pilot Program students receive additional educational enrichment opportunities. Attend our ongoing ground classes and learn about a variety of topics such as avionics systems, engine systems, weather, aerodynamics, and more.

“The Career Pilot Program at Kilo Charlie Aviation is hands-down the best investment you can make in your future. It opens up an unbelievable realm of employment possibilities. You can chart your career course. If you choose, you can work anyplace in the world, in jobs ranging from an airline pilot to high-end charter pilot to a bush pilot delivering medical supplies to aid workers in third-world counties, and everything in between. It is an amazing life.”– Robert Renfro, CEO, Kilo Charlie Flight School

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